大侦探波洛在叙利亚侦破一起案件后,搭乘辛普伦东方快车返回伦敦。这辆豪华列车一向铺位宽裕,这一次却座无虚席。午夜过后,列车被困在大雪中,一名乘客离奇死亡。另外十二名乘客,每个人都有嫌疑,谁才是凶手?波洛给出了两种截然不同的解释……(Agatha Christie 1890-1976)1974年版本,英格丽·褒曼凭此片拿下第47届奥斯卡最佳女配角
1934年,哈珀·柯林斯出版集团首次出版了《东方快车谋杀案》,2017年,又出版了《东方快车谋杀案》改编版,由英国语言学家和文学家精心设计,在保留原著精彩情节的基础上,使用贴近当今习惯的英语,地道简明。商务印书馆引进出版了中文注释本,增加单词脚注、文化背景注释和出场人物表等,配备纯正英音朗读音频,适合非英语母语者阅读和学习。辛普伦东方快车上发生了什么故事?大侦探波洛如何揭开谜底?精选段落,抢先试读试听!Poirot found it difficult to go to sleep again. Firstly, the train had stopped moving. If there was a station outside it was very quiet, which was strange. And secondly, the noises on the train seemed louder than usual. He could hear Ratchett moving about.
He heard someone walking along the corridor.Poirot's throat felt dry. He looked at his watch again. Just after 1.15 am. He decided to ask the conductor for a bottle of water. His finger moved towards his call button, but he paused as he heard another bell ring. The man could not answer every bell at once.The bell rang again and again. Somebody else was keeping their finger on the button.Suddenly, Poirot heard a man hurrying along the corridor. He knocked at a door not far from Poirot's.Then there were voices - the conductor's, speaking with respect, and a woman's - speaking many, many words.Mrs Hubbard. Poirot smiled to himself.It continued for some time. Ninety per cent of the conversation was about Mrs Hubbard's troubles and ten per cent consisted of the conductor’s calm voice. Finally Poirot heard clearly:
‘Good night, Madame,’ and a closing door. He pressed his call button. The conductor arrived quickly, looking hot and worried.‘May I have some water, please?’‘Is anything the matter?’ asked Poirot in a kind voice.‘The American lady —’ replied the conductor, ‘I have had a very difficult time with her! She insists there is a man in her compartment! Imagine, Monsieur. In a space of this size,’ He waved a hand round. ‘Where would he hide? I tell her it's impossible, but she insists. She says she woke up and there was a man there. And how, I ask, did he get out and leave the door locked behind him? But she won't listen. As if there isn't enough to worry us already. This snow —’‘Oh, yes. Haven’t you noticed, Monsieur? The train has stopped. There's heavy snow all around. We can't move. Nobody knows how long we'll be here.’Poirot was almost asleep when he heard the sound of a heavy object falling against hisdoor.He jumped from his bed and looked out of his door. To his right, further along the corridor, a woman in a red dressing-gown was walking away from him. At the other end of the corridor, sitting on his seat, the conductor was writing his daily report. Everything was quiet.‘I must be imagining things,’ said Poirot and went back to bed. This time he slept till morning.
dressing-gown n. 晨衣,晨袍(起床后套于睡衣外在室内穿的宽松长罩衫,通常有束带)